Spotless Water can be purchased in 2 ways, either by Pay-As-You-Go or using your account credit. If you are a pay as you go customer, you will enter your email address into the self-service screen, dispense the literage you need, and then pay with your credit/debit card. Pay-As-You-Go is quick and easy, however it does mean you will miss out on a lot of benefits available to account holders. To help our customers fully understand the benefits of being a Spotless Water account holder, we have listed them below:
1. Free Welcome Pack & Key Fob in the Post
When you sign up with Spotless Water you will firstly receive a welcome pack through the post. This will include a welcome pack and brochure, explaining everything you need to know prior to using the filling station and a brochure which runs through all the details and information on the company, the water quality, and filling station locations. Lastly, and most importantly, it will contain your Spotless Water key fob which you can use as a way to purchase your water. The key fobs are on a small keyring that attaches to your keys. When you arrive at the filling station you simply scan your key fob and enter your PIN number instead of having to enter your email address, this will then automatically pull your details from your account. You can top up your credit as and when you need to. Once you have dispensed the number of litres you need, it will then take away that cost of those litres from you credit. The cost and litres are always shown on the self-service screen.
2. View Account History and Receive VAT Invoices
Once you have dispensed your water, you will receive an email containing your receipt, this will also be stored on your account history and will remain accessible in the foreseeable future. You can also view all usage history, including location, literate dispensed, date & time of visit, and user (more about multiple users is explained below). If you are a Pay-As-You-Go user you will get emailed your VAT receipt in the same way, however you will not be able to go back and view it if you haven’t saved it. This can be a problem if the email address is entered incorrectly, as the receipt will not get to the user successfully.
3. Have Multiple Key Fobs for Multiple Users
This is a great feature to any business that has more than one member of staff working for them. Multiple key fobs can be ordered free of charge, these are linked to the main company account. If you have 4 members of staff working for your company, all 5 of you will be able to have a key fob and use them at whichever filling station you like. The key fobs can be named either by first name or surname, or by the van registration number. This means as the company owner, you can log in to your account and have a look at account history which will show you who filled up, on what day, at which filling station and how much they filled up by. You will then get the invoice emailed to you no matter who filled up.
4. Auto Top-Up your Account Credit
This feature is great for any pure water user that will jump at an opportunity to save time! With the auto top-up feature you can decide when you would like your account balance to automatically top-up with more credit. For example, your balance gets down to £5.00, but you would usually need £8.00 to fill your tank; you don’t want to get caught short of credit at the filling station and have to use precious time adding more credit before you can fill. As soon as your balance hits £5.00 (or the amount you have chosen) it will automatically add more balance to your account using the card details you have provided. The top-up amount is your choice. This is a great way to ensure you always have credit available to use without the worry of having to manually add more. You can log on to the portal and amend your settings at any time, so for example, if you change your tank size from 400 L to 600 L, you might also want to increase the value of your auto top-up.
If you would like to set up auto top-up, please log in to your account and go to “Account Payment”, instead of making a one off payment, select the box that says “Automatically topup when your balance is below your chosen amount”. You can then enter your chosen amounts and card details you would like the payment to come from. You can also give our customer service team a call on 0800 35 76 76, and they will be happy to set this up over the phone for you.
5. Email & Text Updates
Here at Spotless Water we like to keep all our customers in the know and believe that communication is key. If there are any updates or news that is relevant to our customers, such as a new filling station opening, launch events, changes to equipment, and most importantly new gate codes, we will make sure it gets communicated to all account holders either via email or SMS message. You can unsubscribe from these notifications at any time if you wish. If you are a Pay-As-You-Go customer, then we will not have your details in order to communicate with you, so you might miss out on important information that affects your work.
6. Refer A Friend
Our “Refer-a-Friend” offer is certainly not one to miss! When you refer a friend to Spotless Water, you’ll earn a FREE £25 credit to your account, and your friend will receive a £10 credit, too! The best part? There’s no limit to the number of friends you can refer, so the amount of credit you can earn is endless!
Here’s how it works: Log in to your account and go to the “Refer a Friend” tab, where you’ll find your personal referral code. Share this code with friends, and remind them to enter it in the promo code section when they sign up for their Spotless Water account. Once your friend receives their fob in the post, they can head to their nearest Spotless Water station and tap their fob and dispense our ultra-pure water. After this first tap and nozzle lift, both accounts will automatically be credited – £25 for you and £10 for your friend!
Alternatively, you can call our team on 0800 35 76 76, and they’ll happily help with the referral process!
If you have any questions regarding the above, or would like to sign up for your free Spotless Water account, please give our team a call on 0800 35 76 76 and they will be more than happy to help.
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