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Using Spotless Water for Aquarium Fish Tanks

October 22nd 2018

Spotless Water offers top quality pure water which is great to use in aquariums. Using advanced technology to make sure the water is ultra-pure and free of any unwanted impurities. The water has a TDS level of 0 and this is precisely monitored 24/7, and displayed to customers on the self-service screen. This is a great way of customers being reassured at all times of dispensing pure water that it is ultra pure and perfectly safe to use in their aquarium(s). 

In the winter, it is important to ensure the tanks don’t freeze up, so internal heating has been implemented to prevent this. The temperature is monitored closely at all times and also checked every month by site engineers.

Spotless Water is priced from just 3.9p per litre + VAT, and is available at a number of different filling stations located all around the UK. The pure water filling stations are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, so ultra-pure water is always available for your aquarium. It can be purchased as you go, using your debit/credit card directly at the filling station, or account users can dispense water by using their Spotless Water key fob. It is free to sign up for an account, and no contracts are required. You can sign up for free now on our Aquarium Home page.

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